(blog 4) Rags to Riches - Real or Wrong

  Rags to Riches - Real or Wrong
Cinderella was an amazing tale. I think we can all agree that it’s undoubtedly unforgettable. The tale of Cinderella was about a sweet, hardworking girl girl who was a nobody and became a somebody thanks to magic and marriage. I’m sure we can all find a way to relate to this story at a certain degree. But the truth is, this kind of stuff just doesn’t happen in real life. Therefore it’s not very realistic. Or is it?

Cinderella’s general story, whether it be from the books or movies, was about a girl who’s parents were vaguely in the picture or not in the picture at all. Her mother passed away, her dad remarried to another woman, and they moved in with her & her two daughters. Cinderella’s now stepmother and stepsisters were very cruel. They made her do all their cooking, cleaning, and washing. Plus on top of that, they were extremely mean to her. That couldn’t have been me, I would’ve put them in their place a long time ago.

But anyway, Cinderella has been suffering like this for a while now. While this is happening, the prince is looking for a bride. So he throws a dance, Cinderella gets to go thanks to the help of her fairygodmother. The prince and her fall in love, fast foward to the end and they’re married.

The classic story of rags to riches is a bit exaggerated in this tale, but this kind of thing could very much so happen in real life. It is possible for you to meet someone, build a connection with them, and have them help you get to where you need or want to be. It just depends on how much this person can help you. For example, if you really want to work with the president and the most successful person you know is the mayor, they might have you work for someone under them. That might be the best they can do for you.

But a better example would be if you were Justin Bieber, and you met Usher on the street and he really liked your singing. He could have you become a pop superstar.

Now when we’re talking about magic, it’s a different story. You can’t just poof yourself into a rich person whenever you please. The closest thing we have to magic is faith. Praying to God and asking him for help in our situations is what we use. Sometimes he’ll know what we need and he provides us with a miracle. Of course i’m speaking from a christian perspective though. I’m sure this somewhat applies to other religions too.

But back to christianity, even though you pray about something, you still have to make sure you’re doing what you need to do to keep moving forward. In conclusion, the rags to riches plot has a half & half reality score. Thanks for reading my blog. See you in the next one.


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