Frogs: The opposite of Cupids

   Frogs: The opposite of Cupids

The two stories “Cupid and Psyche” and “The Frog Prince or Iron Heinrich” could not be more different from each other. One’s about a princess who loses her ball down a well, a frog gets it, and they wind up being lovers in the end. The other story is about a princess who falls in love with an immortal who was sent to kill her. But if you look close enough, the themes are in a way similar, just flipped around.

In “The Frog King or Iron Heinrich” by the Grimm Brothers, the young princess loses her ball near a well then starts crying. A frog hears her and offers to help if she promises to love him, be her companion, eat with him, play with him, and sleep with him. The princess says yes and the frog gets the ball. Not too long after, she forgets the promise she made and the frog is waiting for her at her door, the father tells her she needs to keep her word and makes her do all the things she promised. Fed up with all this, the princess throws the frog against the wall and he is magically transformed into a handsome prince. After this, she basically forgets everything that’s happened and falls in love with him.
In “Cupid and Psyche” by Lucius Apuleius, a goddess named Venus is extremely jealous of a young princess named Psyche so she sends her son cupid to have her fall in love with someone awful. But then Psyche falls in love with Cupid and they become lovers. Psyche doesn’t know what his face looks like but she falls in love with his other traits such as his charming words, passion, and devotion. Skipping ahead, Venus dies and the two lovers have a baby named Pleasure.
Something in the two stories that was similar but flipped was that in The Frog King, the princess fell in love with her lover once he revealed how handsome he was. In Cupid & Psyche, the princess fell in love with her lover because everything else about him.

In both stories, we have two young princesses that have lovers who don’t show them their face/ true identities until later. But one princess didn’t care for the lover at all and wanted to eliminate any friendship or relationship they had. And the other princess cared for the lover so much that she wanted to see his face so they could add more to their relationship. That concludes tonight’s blog, see you in the next one.


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