Real Or Fake: The Tale Of The Grimm Brothers
Within the film, "The Brothers Grimm" and the novel, "The Brothers Grimm: From Enchanted Forests To The Modern World", there were a lot of similarities but also a lot of differences. The movie definitely incorporated situations and circumstances for the brothers lives that didn't happen to them whatsoever in real life, according to the book. Of course though this was all for entertainment purposes so Hollywood could make an exciting film. Let's go deeper into how the two story tellings were so different.
Starting off by reading the book, I learned that the Grimm brothers grew up with their mom, dad, and 4 other siblings. Their dad worked as a lawyer but soon passed. Since then, the family was taken cared of by the brothers' aunt and grandpa. Soon after, the brothers attended high school and were top of their class. They wanted to be lawyers just like their father was. The brothers were always super close and were known for being scholars, and of course attended college. Plus they even become professors at one point. Fast forwarding a little bit after all this, the brothers became writers. They wrote folk tales which became very popular. They came up with some of their stories from people coming to their house and telling them as they wrote it down. The stories they wrote often incorporated magic, lessons, and were for various audiences depending on the story.
In the film, the brothers seemed to have lots of adventures. The movie portrayed them as con artists who tricked people into believing their magical stories were real. Doing this by dressing up as monsters and using special effects. All while this was happening, they were being hunted by the french. But the adventure does stop there. Just like in their books, magic was a real thing. Such as enchanted forests, trolls, and flying capes. There was even a scene where a bunch of creepy spiders crawled out from inside of a horse, gross!
I'm still not done yet though. The Grimm brothers also apparently liked to go to parties. They also were kind of in a love triangle with some woman named Angelica, who's father was a werewolf.

Now clearly the movie and the book were extremely different, but the movie did happen to get some things right. Such as the French raiding Germany, and of course the Grimm brothers being real life brothers who wrote stories together. Some facts were twisted around though. For instance, in the book it says that the Grimm brothers had a sister, and in the movie they had a sister but she died when they were all kids.
Aside from all this though, the movie was clearly mostly fiction. Like I said earlier though, it was made that way for entertainment purposes. Thank you for reading this week's blog, see you in the next one!
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