The Tale Of Little Red Riding Hood

The Tale Of Little Red Riding Hood

I did some digging on Youtube and found a Little Red Riding Hood cartoon. Now, we all know that this is one of the most popular fairytales ever. So naturally, there are tons of films and shorts based on the story. The one I watched on Youtube was very interesting. It was from an animal collection of fairytales created by Robert Barron titled “My Favorite Fairy Tales”, published in 1986 by Saban entertainment.
But continuing on the cartoon itself, it was extremely funny, charming, ridiculous, and I could definitely see how this could have an appeal to really any audience but mostly kids. I loved it & couldn’t take my eyes off of it.  Hidden under all this entertainment though lies a social message. Maybe even a couple. In one of the scenes, the wolf notices Little Red and makes his plan to eat her. But the animals and hunters in the forest knew he was up to no good and attacked him. This could be a message to try to bring down predators in our everyday lives, especially ones that go after innocent, unsuspecting children. 

Another scene is when the hunter and grandma had just defeated the wolf and sit down together with Little Red to eat together. They all praise each other for how well they handled the situation with the wolf, and seem to push off credit given to them to highlight the other person. This could represent unity in the world and how we can work as a team to defeat the villain of society. And also uplift one another. Overall this was a great cartoon, that’s definitely worth checking out. Until the next blog.


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