Final Blog!

Going into this class, I expected to learn a lot about how Disney fairytales came to be. I was also very interested in learning their origins and what the Grimm brothers' original viewpoint of them were. But I learned so much more. I learned who the Grimm Brothers are. I learned more about Walt Disney. I learned that the Grimm brothers weren't the only ones who wrote fairytales. Plus I learned about symbols and meanings within fairytales.

The Grimm brothers were two authors from Germany who wrote fairytales that became very popular. I didn't expect to learn so much about their lives while taking this class. I learned about their family, their struggles, and even their school life. I was introduced to who these people were and why they wrote tales, rather than just learning about their tales.
Image result for grimm brothers

Walt Disney was a filmmaker who pivoted off of previously written fairytales to launch his career. He went through a lot to build his own brand and is now has the most successful company on earth; even while dead. He shaped and reimagined the fairytale world for generations to come.
Image result for walt disney
The Grimm brothers weren't the only ones who wrote fairytales. Some tales were also written by Charles Perrault and others. Each version had different meanings and symbols that the authors wanted to portray. And a lot of these were related to sexuality, which was really shocking for me. For example, Cinderella's shoe symbolizes her virginity and her fitting the shoe when the prince puts it on her means she'd ready to give herself to him.
Image result for cinderella slipper
This was a really great class and it's something that I'd definitely recommend for more freshmen. Thanks for reading all my blogs! Happy holidays!


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